Wednesday, 26 September 2012

NFF wants politicians to keep power to make MD Basin water decisions

The president of the National Farmers Federation says he doesn't support proposed changes to legislation which keep politicians at arm's length from decision about water use in the Murray-Darling Basin.
The Federal Government last week put forward amendments to the Water Act, which confirm the power of the Basin Authority to adjust sustainable diversion limits, without recourse to Parliament.
The NFF's Jock Laurie says irrigators have no faith in the authority.
"If they can turn around and completely rebuild that trust and make decisions that the communities can actually engage in and feel comfortable with, it might be right," he said.
"But that's not there at the moment, and until they actually rebuild that trust, I think that you need to have somebody in there who can actually deal with it.
"The ministers are voted in by the general public to make decisions and they're lobbied by everybody, so they should have a very good understanding about what the issues are."

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