Saturday, 8 September 2012

McCormack lays down MDB challenge


08 Sep, 2012 04:00 AM

RIVERINA Nationals MP Michael McCormack has challenged the Federal Water Minister Tony Burke to present a Murray-Darling Basin Plan into parliament which will ensure the prosperity of regional areas.
Mr McCormack said Prime Minister Julia Gillard had stated in a recent speech that the nation needed to strengthen irrigation and ensure it becomes a food bowl for Asia.
In throwing down the gauntlet, he said the Murray Darling Basin Plan needs to reflect that vision.
“From now on changes concerning the draft plan can come only from Minister Burke,” Mr McCormack said.
“I know he realises he has a responsibility and an obligation to farmers and regional communities and thereby the nation to opt for a plan which protects our ability to feed ourselves and for future food security.
“Minister Burke knows full well how much a balanced plan means for the Riverina and other irrigation areas and I hope he has them high in his considerations when finalising the Plan.
“We all want a healthy river system but none more so than the hard working food and fibre producers for whom the river is their life blood.”
Mr McCormack has been touted as a potential Minister for Regional Australia to replace Simon Crean in the event the Coalition wins next year’s Federal election.
His sparse electorate comprises a large portion of the Murray Darling Basin in south-western NSW and is dominated by agricultural production in the Murray and Murrumbidgee areas which face serious threats of economic devastation, from an unbalanced Plan.
With State Water Ministers no longer able to pass on advice to the Commonwealth Minister according to the Water act’s requirements, Mr McCormack urged Mr Burke to administer his powers wisely and heed the advice presented to him at various water rallies across the States.
He said rallies at Griffith in his electorate in 2010 and 2011 saw more than 10,000 people attended the public meetings to express their concerns about the impact that both the Guide and the current draft Basin Plan would have on their livelihoods.
Mr McCormack said the people of the Riverina are strong, resilient people and their ongoing commitment to getting a fair plan was something to be admired.
“They have an inherent interest in the health of the system,” he said.
“To them it is not a philosophical discussion; it is their life.”

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