Thursday, 20 September 2012


20th September 2012



Hello again,
I have a very bad feeling about the upcoming Murray Darling Basin Plan.
It looks like Tony Burke will get his amendments that will give the Murray Darling Basin Authority absolute power about water diversion limits and increases in environmental flows.
This marks a very dark day in what has been a most disappointing year for communities and farmers in the basin.

There have been copious volumes of research and feedback provided to the MDBA during the very ordinary consultation process and very little of it has been paid attention to and/or acted upon.
Tony Burke and the federal Labor/Greens party have had a set agenda before the beginning of all the consultation and have deviated from it very little, this has cost tens of millions of dollars and is without doubt one of the most undemocratic processes forced on to us Australians.

There is no doubt the environment needs increased river flows, it is my and many others argument that all these flows plus much more can be gained via infrastructure spending, if we can spend $50 billion plus that is $50,000,000,000 on a nationwide broadband network surely we can afford the far less figure than that to go through and update our horribly out of date irrigation infrastructure, what it requires is vision, commitment, and common sense.

We need more politicians in Canberra fighting for the 2.1 million people in the Murray Darling Basin, it seems to me that Tony Abbott is attempting to knobble the brave few who are prepared to speak out like Barnaby Joyce.

Come on you Aussies out there become involved, become vocal and hammer your local MP’s etc regarding this issue.
Facebook: Murray Darling Basin Connection

Yours Faithfully,

Peter Gilmour

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