Saturday, 18 August 2012


7th August 2012


I sit here feeling gutted and deflated, cancer robs members of my family and seems to have a huge hold on the Murray Darling Basin.
For that is what Tony Burke and his team of cronies are, a bloody great cancer to us all living in the Murray Darling Basin.

I read all that goobledegook and double talk the MDBA released yesterday and thought “This doesn’t feel much different” and of course it isn’t. They have always had their set agenda and will yield nothing if very little to us people in the basin, that has been my view since nearly the beginning of their disastrous and shockingly expensive “consultation process”.
So what have we achieved apart from spending millions of dollars and untold tens of thousands of hours putting our case, quite simply “SWEET BUGGER ALL”.

Never before have I been witness to such an undemocratic and illegal process as this one and I quite often wonder where our lives are headed, but I live with my debilitating illness and think of the many millions of other people worse off and that is what drives me forward, that is what should drive all of us forward, making tomorrow’s world a better place than what we leave it.

Common sense must prevail, we can make the Murray Darling Basin work for everyone involved, for if we do not, our future generations will pay the price.

I have always said that with time, vision, money and common sense we can improve our irrigation systems and give all the water savings required.
If we can spend $50 billion plus on an NBN network that has less than a 10% take up, surely we can revitalise the Murray Darling Basin irrigation systems.

Let’s cut the double talk, let’s get fair dinkum, let’s let the true blue Aussie spirit shine, let’s create a whole new tomorrow.
Facebook: “Save Murray Darling Basin communities”

Keeping up the fight,
Peter Gilmour

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