February 2012
Helen Kroger
ACT 2600
Senator Kroger,
you for your response to my letter to you regarding the Murray Darling Basin
plan, I can tell you I have had very few replies from both sides of politics.
my Facebook page “Save Murray Darling Basin communities” I have been and will
continue to keep people updated with as much information as I can find.
whole MDBA consultation process is a sham. The plan is disastrous for everybody
living in the Murray Darling Basin and will impact on the food prices for all
Australians. It is my belief that all water savings plus much more required for
environmental flows can be achieved through infrastructure spending.
family settled near Cobram nearly 150 years ago, I was a 3rd
generation stock & station and real estate agent up until mental illness
cut my career short. I have a deep understanding of irrigation, farming, the
murray river and its environs along with our communities, so I am as well
qualified or far better qualified to comment on the shocking Basin plan as
anyone. I have always tried to keep my arguments balanced, but I get extremely
annoyed at some of the statements Minister Tony Burke, the MDBA and Craig
Knowles and Labor politicians come out with.
we need now from the Liberal/National coalition is decisive action. Tony Abbot
needs to come out publicly in support of the Murray Darling Basin and what the
Coalition’s proposals are in relation to the plan. What I do not want to see is
this fight becoming ugly, but the MDBA’s actions and statements just might see
that happen.
plan will affect the food security of Australia for not only our generation but
all future generations, our fight really needs to be placed in the national
spotlight with the Basin plan being put under the microscope.
again thank you for your time and hopefully we can all affect change to the
Murray Darling Basin plan.
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