Saturday, 18 August 2012

We need to mount a massive protest with people, tractors and trucks converging on Canberra.

4th May 2012


I have now been actively participating in the Murray Darling Basin plan consultation process and beyond for over 6 months, predominately through my Facebook page “Save Murray Darling Basin communities”.

What has been achieved?
There has been an enormous amount of feedback to the basin plan from right across the Murray Darling Basin and Australia, most of it is completely negative towards the plan or wants substantial changes made to the plan.

It has always been my view that with infrastructure spending all water savings required for environmental flows can be achieved. A lot of people agree with me, following the comments on my Facebook page tells me that.

Where to from here?
We need a federal election as soon as possible!!!!!!!!
It is the only way that we are going to get a fair deal for basin farmers and communities.
The Federal Coalition are doing a great job of putting on as much pressure as possible.
It is up to us to take the fight to the next step.

This Federal Labor Government is running around like a headless chook and is stumbling from one crisis to another. How can we expect them to make a rational decision in regard to the basin plan? We can’t.

Tony Burke finally came out and said what I and many others have been thinking all along, that he will push through this basin plan no matter what.

Julia Gillard comes out with the prophetic statement that we can become Asia’s food bowl.
How are we going to achieve that when the Murray Darling Basin which produces 50% of our nations food has its water entitlements cut by a further 20-30%?

Can you believe this, because I can’t, it is absolutely ridiculous and we need to make a stand.

We need to mount a massive protest with people, tractors and trucks converging on Canberra.

If you wish to make a difference, please contact me at or through my Facebook page “Save Murray Darling Basin communities”.

Looking forward to hearing from people who are as equally concerned as me.

Yours Faithfully,

Peter Gilmour
Cobram on the Murray

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