Saturday, 25 August 2012


20th December 2011

The Hon. Julia Gillard MP

The Hon. Wayne Swan MP

The Hon. Tony Burke MP

Senator the Hon. Joe Ludwig

Dear Prime Minister, Mr. Swan, Mr. Burke and Mr. Ludwig,


I am writing to you to let you know my views as well as what I have learned through my many hours of research in to the above matter.
The Murray Darling Basin plan is ill conceived, thoroughly biased and based on flawed modelling.

The vast majority of people living in the Murray Darling Basin are absolutely gobsmacked that such a plan as this could ever see the light of day. What happened to the vision that has developed Australia in to the great nation it is today? Certainly I see none in the Federal Labor party.

My family settled around the Cobram district some 150 years ago and have stayed here since, so I believe I have an excellent knowledge of the Murray River, its environs and irrigation.
The Murray River and its environs have never looked healthier in my 52 years, over flooding of the forested areas will cause far more damage than the dams and irrigation have.
Before dams and irrigation there are many stories of the Murray River running dry, this has never occurred in my life time.

The Murray Darling Basin irrigation areas was born of the same vision such as the Snowy Mountains scheme, we need that same vision again today.
Since the inception of irrigation successive State and Federal governments (you included) have charged farmers for irrigation water but yet have spent miserable amounts of money maintaining and improving this same system. This can not and must not continue, time for you all to cough up and invest in to this fabulous asset we all have and bring it in to the 21st century. In doing this you will also return all the water required for environmental flows plus much more.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and hopefully you can bring a successful 2012 to us all.

Yours Faithfully,
Peter Gilmour

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