Friday, 31 August 2012

Mental illness and me

Hi everyone, I just want to give an insight of what it is like to live with a severe form of depression.
In the old days I could get up and get going at daylight or soon after, now with all the medication I take it is more like 8.30 or 9am and that is after 10 or 11 hours sleep, if I cut my sleep short too many times I end up very ratty again.
Some days my anxiety levels are that bad that I can't leave the house, this can last for days.
If I overdo things like going to Canberra last week, I will end up very ratty a few days later, but that is the price to pay.
I wish I could work at the same level I did years ago, but am able to live within the constraints the illness places on me, thankfully Victoria has an excellent mental health system which I can go into whenever I need to, but to get in to that it took a very serious attempt at my own life.
So where to from here, well it is one day at a time and take on challenges in bite size pieces.
Remember their is lots of good help out there if you are feeling depressed, all you need to do is reach out and believe me I know how hard that is to do when you feel bad, life is worth living, we live in the greatest country on this planet.

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