Wednesday, 28 November 2012

MP fights 'bad' basin plan

THE Riverina’s federal member has delivered on his promise to stand up for irrigation communities, filing a disallowance motion just hours after the government tried to push the Murray-Darling Basin Plan through parliament.
But with only two days of parliament remaining this year, the government is not expected to call the vote until at least February.Murray MP Sharman Stone seconded the motion yesterday, a move that will take the controversial plan to a vote.
While the Coalition is yet to reveal its position on the plan, its leader Tony Abbott told a party room meeting yesterday he would limit  buyback of irrigators’ water to 1500 gigalitres if elected as prime minister in 2013.
With water already recovered, there would be only 249 gigalitres left to purchase basin-wide.
Riverina MP Michael McCormack said he had placed the disallowance motion without any confirmation his party would back him up, but knew he had done the right thing.
“I can’t say I won’t support a bad plan, and then when a bad plan is put to parliament, just go with it,” Mr McCormack said.
“You have to have the courage of your convictions in order to best represent the people who elected you.
“There will be people who say that this plan took 100 years to be created and cost $11 billion and I shouldn’t be fighting against it, but I don’t believe it will serve the interests of the Riverina.”  
Yesterday the Opposition also tabled an amendment to the water bill that would see an additional 450 gigalitres delivered to South Australia. 
“It is expected to be dealt with today.
“All I want to see is a fairer deal for all of the communities that rely on the economy of the Murray-Darling Basin,” Mr McCormack said.
“I just can’t sit there stony-faced and allow the basin plan to go through after looking 11,000 people in the eyes at last year’s Griffith rally and knowing they wanted me to oppose this.” “One of the things that struck me hard when I was in Griffith last week was a lady who told me she had lost $75,000 on her house price due to the plan and now she can’t sell.
The Greens have also filed a disallowance motion against the plan in the Senate.

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