Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Moves won't stop Plan

THE Murray Darling Basin Plan is likely to go ahead as planned despite two federal Coalition MPs breaking ranks with leader Tony Abbott to oppose it.
Nationals MP for Riverina Michael McCormack moved a motion to disallow the Basin Plan on Tuesday, saying he needed to stick up for his constituents.
Within his electorate is the town of Griffith, where copies of initial water reform proposals were burnt during fiery protests two years ago by locals who feared their community would suffer from reductions in water for agriculture.
Mr McCormack is supported by Liberal MP Sharman Stone, from the seat of Murray in Victoria.
Mr Abbott told the Coalition party-room meeting on Tuesday that the Coalition would not seek to disallow the Basin Plan but a future Coalition government would impose a 1500 gigalitre cap on irrigation licence buybacks, leaving just 249 gigalitres still to be recovered.
Mr Abbott discussed Mr McCormack's concerns with him on Monday night but failed to convince him to abandon his disallowance motion.
Meanwhile, the Greens want to torpedo the Basin Plan in the Senate but argue there should be more water for the environment and more buybacks.

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