Thursday, 1 November 2012

Irrigation areas ‘sacrificed’

It follows a joint statement issued on the weekend by four Coalition MPs, including Nationals Member for Mallee John Forrest and Liberal MP for Farrer Sussan Ley.Mr Williams yesterday became the latest conservative MP from our region to register his protest at the government’s plan to pump a total of 3200GL back into the Murray-Darling Basin system.
Mr Williams said the Gillard Government was sacrificing the irrigation communities of NSW to obtain votes in South Australia.
“The decision to return an additional 450GL to the River Murray from 2019 means that recovered volumes need to be increase from 2750 to 3200GL,” the NSW Nationals MP said.
“Murray-Darling communities and regional communities as a whole, have been ignored and the Federal Government’s ‘consultation’ process that was undertaken for the proposed basin plan, can only be described as farcical.“These decisions are clearly made by people who don’t live in the Murray-Darling Basin and have no idea about living in the basin either.
“These communities will be further impacted by this decision, a further reduction in jobs and business opportunities will be seen as well as property values decrease and reduce investment in these areas.”
For more of this story, purchase your copy of Thursday's Sunraysia Daily 1/11/2012.


  1. Looks Like John Williams does not know any thing but slamming the other side he should have stuck to selling cars or working as a fitter. Where was he when all the people in the Murray Darling were being locked out of the phoney consultation Process , there is more infrastructure needed to insure against dry spells from time to time then the Growers & Adelaide can all have their water


    Environment Minister Tony Burke’s latest Murray-Darling Basin plan targets a century of water infrastructure for demolition, under orders from the Ramsar Secretariat in Switzerland, run by Prince Philip’s World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). , “Tony Burke’s plan is madness. It will lay waste to the infrastructure that produces the food supply for more than 60 million people.
    “It amounts to a military-style assault on our national food security, which Australians must fight as if their lives depend upon it, because they do.”
    Burke’s new plan ups the amount of water stripped from irrigators from 2,750 gigalitres, to 3,200 GL. His justification for gouging this much extra water from farmers is that it will meet 17 out of 18 “environmental targets”, compared to 13 under the previous model. These environmental targets are the Ramsar-listed “wetlands”—aka swamps—which provide the legal basis for the Water Act 2007 that Howard government Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull rammed through Parliament to hand over the fate of Australia’s premier food bowl to the people-hating Malthusians in the WWF.
    To make the “modelling” for his new plan work, Burke intends to demolish the flood-control infrastructure along the Murray River that has been carefully developed over a century.
    Even a green-leaning CSIRO scientist, Julian Cribb, compared this plan to an act of war against Australia, in an Oct. 11 Canberra Times column. Cribb wrote, “If Australia’s security agencies got wind of a terrorist plot to destroy crucial national infrastructure, eliminate companies and thousands of jobs, cost the Australian public billions of dollars and undermine the health of the community, our governments would—presumably—mobilise our national resources and defence forces to prevent it.
    “The trouble is”, Cribb continued, “the perpetrators in this scenario are Australian governments themselves: federal and state, and of both political complexions. And the scenario is real. As the world grapples with its third food price crisis in four years, our governments and their bureaucracies are steadily dismantling one of Australia’s most productive and important industries: the irrigation sector that supplies most of our daily needs for milk, fruit, vegetables, cotton, rice, meat and other foods essential to a healthy diet and living standard. Irrigation channels that have fed Australians for a century are being bulldozed and farmers’ water supplies turned off or sold off for non-food uses. Water prices are soaring. Food industries are contracting, local food companies being sold offshore or shut down, about 100 regional towns are dying and many farmers are quitting agriculture for good. A growing flood of overseas food—grown cheaply in Asia, often using water horribly polluted with industrial poisons, heavy metals and pesticides—now lines the shelves and freezers of our shops and supermarkets.” CONTINUED IN NEXT POST

  3. CONTINUED FROM LAST POST The destruction Cribb describes is intentional. The so-called scientists who use their intellectual authority to demand the shut down of the food bowl are a cult of rabid greenies who are obsessed with schemes to reduce the world’s population down to less than a billion people, and Australia’s population to as few as five million people. They operate in the orbit of Prince Philip’s WWF and its various Australian off-shoots, including the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF), the Wilderness Society, and the Wentworth Group. Their champion, Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery, has campaigned since 1994 for Australia’s population to be reduced to six million. On behalf of the WWF-funded Wentworth Group, Flannery used the ludicrous “Two Men in a Tinny” ABC series in 2006—the height of the ten-year drought—to spread the myth of a “sick” river, and pressure the government into legislating the WWF-Ramsar takeover of the food bowl, through Turnbull’s Water Act 2007. (Click here for an insight into Flannery’s role as Climate Commissioner).
    Isherwood accused Burke of using his power as Minister to enforce the WWF’s depopulation agenda:
    “Burke is rubbishing the actually-scientific views and practices of the Basin irrigation communities. In the last drought, the irrigators cut their water consumption by 43 per cent. The cities they feed cut consumption by just one per cent. Burke is forcing these irrigators to submit to green fascists who are so obsessed with slashing our population, that they plan to tear down the infrastructure that supports the very existence of the irrigation communities, and half a million jobs.
    “Enough is enough,” he concluded. “Green fascism has already smashed our national food industries to the extent that we now import 30 per cent of our fruit, 20 per cent of our vegetables, and three-quarters of our fish. For the sake of the 60 million people in Australia and abroad who get their food from the Murray-Darling Basin, and future generations, we must meet this threat to our nation, and defeat it.”
