Thursday, 25 October 2012


25th October 2012
Letter to the Editor

I write this letter with a heavy heart as I witness the degradation of our once booming rural economies, especially in the Murray Darling Basin.
With young rural Australians choosing other careers than agriculture (and who can blame them) and the average age of Australians in the early fifties we must all stand up and fight for Australian agriculture, time to stop being complacent and say “Oh they will do it”, because they won’t.

Our supermarkets are largely to blame for the shocking state our agricultural industries are in, especially the fruit industry, them along with bad government policies are driving large numbers of farmers to bankruptcy, I know this first hand.

A Current Affair recently had an article on citrus fruit being dumped and trees being ripped out, that has been going on around Cobram for years, our stone fruit growers who supply SPC recently had their quotas reduced by 17%, that amount is replaced by imported fruit, most likely from South Africa where they have nowhere near the same quality control and still use chemicals banned here years ago.
I no longer buy fresh fruit and vegetables from my local IGA or Woolworths supermarkets, I found the product going off in a matter of days and now source my fresh fruit and vegetables from the fruit and veg shop, if a lot more Australians took the time to support their local fruit and veg shops, butcher shops and farmers markets they would be eating far better product which lasts a lot longer and is the same price or cheaper than the supermarkets, this then would send a significant message to the supermarkets to lift their game and look after farmers.
A lot of the frozen vegetables are sourced from China, some of the family farmers still have their sewerage going straight in to the paddock. Most orange juice and tinned fruit is imported, again please take the time and read the labels.

If you think I am dreaming a lot of what I have said up, do some research yourself, you will receive a very rude awakening.
Facebook: Murray Darling Basin Connection

Yours as a very concerned rural Australian,
Peter Gilmour

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