Tuesday, 9 October 2012


First and foremost, it is my and many other peoples belief that all water required for environmental flows can be achieved through infrastructure improvement, what this requires is vision, commitment and time, elements that are severely lacking in our federal Labor government.
Second: For the MDBA to even entertain the removing of "constraints" without identifying them shows how terribly ill informed they are.
Third: By providing too much water to the wetlands and forests will be more devastating than our recent decade long drought, these trees do not need watering every year and to suggest so is complete nonsense. A female kangaroo can withhold her gestation for 3 years, this tells us how long our regular droughts last.
Dartmouth dam is at 97.8% capacity and Hume dam is at 98.3% capacity, some months ago our weather forecasters forecast an El Nino and no doubt the MDBA and their computer modelling told them the same, we had 40mm of rain here at Cobram on Saturday, we better watch out if we get another great whack of rain up in the hills.
We the farmers and communities in the Murray Darling Basin were never going to get a fair go by this narrow minded and ill informed MDBA and federal government. 
My view is that no plan is better than anything this mob will toss our way.
So we rely on our coalition politicians and clear thinking Labor & Independent MP's to try and save further decimation of the Murray Darling farms and communities.
Facebook: Murray Darling Basin ConnectionWeb: www.savemdbasin.blogspot.com.au/
Yours Faithfully,
Peter Gilmour


  1. The MDBA Report is a sham they hoped they could just push through their agenda but the states did not buy it. The recent dry spell which the government are using for this knee jerk reaction is nothing to do with Carbon and Global Warming it has happened before and recovered as it did this time, they could commence the CLARENCE RIVER SCHEME to increase available water to the MDB but they are not interested they are letting our food production dwindle away the same as our manufacturing Industry-all part of the Globalisation plan adopted by our politicians starting with Hawke & Keating who put most of the changes in place to our economic system and every prime minister & party have contributed to this insane policy that is seeing Australia looted and the idiots think its alright for us just to ship our resources and import our food,
    We have lost over a 100 million hectares of farm land not including what is being bought by Foreign Governments for the purpose of feeding their population. we have gone from over 210.000 family Farms to less than 40,000 and they have been feed to the deregulated thieving banks So that the rural debt of Australian farms is over $64 Billion a massive millstone around their necks and the Banks can Foreclose on any Farm they want and sell at a high return to a foreign Government. we have people screaming about Labor being the rural curse - but the liberals & Nats have the same agenda, Frazer was supposed to start the economic changes but didn't labor did then continued by Howard. Howard gave us the GST and was going to introduce the carbon tax but was replaced by Rudd -Rudd was starting to do a Frazer so he was replaced by Gillard -Abbott wrote a book a while back and in the book he went to great lengths to explain why we must have a Carbon Tax and I seen a video the other day of an interview with Abbott before the last election and he was all for a carbon tax in the interview, at the moment they are finishing the changes that will finish selling out our wheat growers allowing our wheat to be soled off a lot cheaper and of coerce less money for the growers. Bob Hawke will soon be in your area at the moment he is working for the Chines Government helping them buy up prime farm land at the Ord River in WA

  2. Here is an article I received in the mail about the wheat farmers being sold out
    The Australian government’s push to fully deregulate wheat exports betrays Australia’s wheat farmers to predatory global grain cartel companies and commodity speculators, charged Citizens Electoral Council leader Craig Isherwood today.
    “This final act of wheat deregulation, to extinguish the last remaining regulatory mechanism of the old Wheat Board, is the latest blow to Australian industry, in the decades-long economic warfare offensive on Australia unleashed under Hawke and Keating,” he said.
    “It is a calculated assault on Australia’s family farmers, our national food security, and our capacity to feed millions of people around the world.”
    Isherwood said deregulation would be the final nail in the coffin of a once stable, regulated national wheat industry that was able to be a major, independent player in the global wheat market, out of reach of the multinational grain traders such as Cargill and Bunge.
    “Every attack on the wheat industry’s regulatory protections since the privatisation of the Australian Wheat Board into AWB Ltd. in 1999 has been to profit the predatory grain cartel,” he said.
    “The industry has been a big target of the British-directed drive to strip Australia of every protection under which our nation was once a powerful, agro-industrial economy.”
    Isherwood explained, “The private grain cartel companies hated AWB and its counterpart the Canadian Wheat Board, because such national single desk arrangements protected those nations’ wheat growers from the predatory trading practices the cartel companies use to create wild market fluctuations that enable the traders to buy cheap off the growers and sell dear to customers, and generate enormous profits.”
    (It was grain cartel companies including Cargill through their front U.S. Wheat Associates who blew up the scandal that was used to finally kill off the AWB, by feeding a Murdoch media journalist, Caroline Overington, with damaging information. “They obviously had an agenda,” Overington admitted to the March 24, 2009 Freedom of Speech conference in Sydney. “They wanted to see AWB destroyed.”)
    “They successfully destroyed AWB, they now intend to get the government to strip away the last regulatory protection, and then the way will be clear for the cartel companies to destroy all remaining vestiges of collective grower power in Australia, such as Cooperative Bulk Handling (CBH) in Western Australia—the targeting of CBH is already underway.
    “Food production is precious, in a world where a billion people are starving,” he said. “Under great leaders of previous generations, such as Country Party giant John ‘Black Jack’ McEwen, food production was protected through government regulation, to give farmers the best possible chance to produce. Those leaders thought it was enough that farmers had to battle the elements—they shouldn’t have to battle predatory global traders too. This was the outlook that led the Australian government to establish the Wheat Board in the first place.”
    Isherwood concluded, “It is absolutely necessary to fight the push by the government and global grain cartel for full wheat deregulation, but that fight is one part of a much broader fight against all of the deregulation policies that have caused so much destruction to Australia’s industries and communities. At stake is Australia’s survival as a nation with an industrial economy that can feed its people and more besides.
    “The CEC is leading this fight. Our national resolution campaign, The Future of Australia: Develop or Die, calls for the repeal of all such destructive deregulation policies since Hawke and Keating. Every concerned Australian should confront their elected officials on where they stand on these issues, and if they are also opposed, what they intend to do about them. And there’s really only one thing to do: join the CEC
