VICTORIAN irrigators are worried about the impact taking a further 450GL out of the Murray-Darling Basin will have on basin communities.
The Federal Government's basin plan said 2750GL would be returned to the environment.
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- READ MORE: Basin plan edges closer
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But amendments moved by the Government last week state an extra 450GL would be recovered, or a total of 3200GL.
The original bill stated "up to 450GL" would be removed via $1.77 billion to produce on-farm efficiencies.
But Environment Minister Tony Burke said his position was always to "provide money for the 450GL".
Victorian Farmers Federation president Peter Tuohey said basin communities were concerned about the extra water now being "locked in" for the environment and the "socio-economic impacts".
Meanwhile, basin councils say the Commonwealth's $100 million package to diversify regional economies was "too little and too late".
The MDB has 162 councils so if this money was split equally, it would be just $617,283 apiece.
Mayors say the economic damage caused by water buybacks was already severe.
The devastated Merbein irrigation district has lost 45 per cent of its irrigation water to Commonwealth buybacks and the impact has been just as great at neighbouring Red Cliffs.
Swan Hill Mayor Les McPhee said it would be difficult for individual councils to win a project that would make a lasting difference.
"A regional project might be able to get up," Cr McPhee said, such as the extension of a natural gas pipeline into north-west Victoria, already the subject of a Victorian Government study.
Balranald Mayor Steve O'Halloran said the $100 million wouldn't come close to fixing the damage already done to regional economies.
But Deniliquin Council Mayor Lindsay Renwick said "we will survive with the plan, as long as they don't change the goal posts again".
Nationals Senator Barnaby Joyce last week defended Coalition support of the plan, despite Nationals Riverina MP Michael McCormack and Liberal Murray MP Sharman Stone moving an unsuccessful disallowance motion against it.
He said the plan was "vastly better" for regional communities than if the Greens had negotiated a deal.
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